
Icon Size

Hex Opacity

Hex Color

Save Last Map Position

Update 9/2/24
  • Added ability to hide the Statistics and Icon Filter panels with the use of newly added buttons.
  • Last usernames that were used will automatically fill the username slot when logging in. Currently the username is stored in Cookies however
    I plan on changing this to local storage, so for now cookies are required for autofill.
  • Slightly increased Icon Filters UI for 1440p monitors.
  • Fixed a bug that would show the statistics info when the panel was closed. Reported by VEDAGI
  • Removed Modpack button from the home page.
  • Added Maintenance/404 Pages.


  • Added ability to hide the Statistics and Icon Filter panels with the use of newly added buttons.
  • Added Autofill for last used username.
  • Slightly increased Icon Filters UI for 1440p monitors.
  • Fixed a bug that would show the statistics info when the panel was closed. Reported by VEDAGI
  • Removed Modpack button from the home page.
  • Added Maintenace/404 Pages.


  • Fixed Colonial/Warden total nuke count, number should reflect correct amount.
  • Fixed black line that would appear under the website header when interacting with the page.


  • Improved mobile UI on different mobile devices and tablets
  • Added Color Blindness colors to Map Color settings, in the future I will recolor all icons to make each mode.
  • Added Text Bubbles describing the icon whenever you click on a icon on the map
  • Added Settings Panel which allows you to change the sizing of Icons, Hex Opacity, Color Variant of Hexes, and the ability to OPTIONALLY save last map position.
  • Increased zoom level from 2-5 to 2-8, image quality stops increasing when reaching 5 but allows for zooming beyond 5
  • Upscaled All Icons to increase quality
  • Added more icons such as Nuke Pads, Nuke Pads with Rockets and Nuke Target
  • Added a more indepth statistics panel (Click on the Statistics Bar) about total deaths, War Number, War Day, War Winner, War Start Date, and War End Date.
  • Added Announcement Panel when users visit the website, will stay closed when exited but will reappear when a new update is released.
  • Implemented Mobile user interface, mobile users can now have full functionality of the website.
  • Added Changelogs
  • Added Nuke Map Icon and Nuke Statistics
  • Added Colonial, Warden, and Neutral Safehouse Icons/Positions
  • Added Persistent Map Filter Settings (Settings stay the same when you revisit the webpage)
  • Made Safehouses Hidden by Default for Aesthetics (Can be re-enabled in your Map Filter)
  • Greatly Improved Map Loading Performance (Before map would only load when the map was staying still, now it loads while it's moving)
  • Greatly Improved Desktop/Mobile performance by hiding icons when zooming in/out to save performance
  • Increased width sizing of Map Filter to allow for more icons
  • Increased UI size of Login/Register prompts
  • Cleaned up Colonial/Warden icons


  • Launched
  • Stripped all 92nd Branding
  • Switched from to
  • Other pages change if you're on Warden mode


  • Upgraded Web Server
  • Increased Security
  • Condensed Marker tools into one
  • Added ability to edit markers
  • Added ability to reset Member/Officer passwords
  • Added Admin Password option
  • Added Colonial/Warden Music
  • Added QoL features
  • Added Pablo


  • Added Login/Registration System
  • Increased Security
  • Added Hourly Deaths
  • Added Town Names
  • Made Town Names appear only when you zoom close enough to keep the map clean
  • Made Icons disappear when you zoom fully out
  • Added a Warden mode toggle
  • Added "Toggle" cookie to keep track of button position
  • Clicking on Login or Register hides the other dialogue

Foxhole Map

Website was created by TreeSugar, this website was originally planned to be created for the 92nd regiment as a internal tool to gather all location data into one spot. As time went on I started working on more features and now it's become a full fledged Foxhole interactive map with a feature to create markers with authentication. My current goal for this website is to open up the website for registration and have other regiments/groups/individuals create accounts and have a central place to communicate with their team, this does include Wardens as this tool was made for all of Foxhole. I plan on adding more features to the website.


If you like what I do and would like to support me you can do so by spreading the word about the page and by donating to help server costs. or


The only person to have access to the data is TreeSugar - passwords will be hashed and will not be kept in plaintext for security and privacy reasons.


You can contact me by joining my discord at

Field Marshal Pablo

Cursor Coordinates
x:          y:

click on map to set coordinates









War 0 | Day 0
Total Colonial Deaths
Total Deaths
Total Warden Deaths
War Start Date | N/A
War End Date | N/A
War Winner | Colonials

Website created by TreeSugar | Buy me a Coffee @

Foxhole Map updates every 15 seconds | Log in to view regiment markers.

Map Filter
Change Password
Log In
Log in with your Group Name and Password

Invalid Group Name or Password
Register Group

Set the name of the Group

Set the Admin password - Do not share, this should only be used by the owner of the group to reset passwords

Set the password that will be used only for adding/removing markers on the map (Give to people you wish to have editing permissions)

Set the password that will be used only for logging in and viewing private markers.

One or more required fields are empty!

Must be logged in using your regiments member password to view private markers.